“UMT: quaterfinal. Game begins with one of my blitzers mng, and I promptly fail both my niggle rolls leaving me with 10 fit players for the match and outnumbered against elves.
First half saw me fail several passes in an attempt to get a 5pp linewoman a skill. All failed. First couple gave my oppoennt an easy score with me recieving, rest I recovered from, but last turn he managed a pow wthout tackle on my ball carrier, and of course after regaining the ball turn 8, was unable to make a 4+ rerolled pickup to even try to score. 0-1
Second half I press his players and he fails a short pass with a fumble. I surround and grab hold of the ball. Blitz rerolled knocks it free for him but he fails a 2+ dodge to attempts to grab hold of it. Next turn i chain push a prone player onto the ball. It scatters onto his player i blocked, he catches it, he gets powed and goes down, ball scatters to a blitzer who catches while in 3 tackle zones. 3 more 2d blocks on him results in no pow, leaving him free to run forward, handoff to a lineelf who passes to a catcher to score. 0-2.
Then the luck finally changes. after several failures my liwoman managed to make a pass for an spp. I move 3 players wide in a line, which he blocks with a line of elves next to them. next turn i push one away, blitz away another and make a handoff catch in now heavy rain and run in to make it 1-2.
Kickoff: touchback. his thrower runs back out of range while a couple elves run down one wing. I blitz the catcher and mark up his players left in the centre, try to dodge past one and fail the 3+ rerolled for a BH, apothed her. Then he makes a couple blocks then fails a 2+ dodge, letting me stand up that apothed player, make a 3+ dodge, 2 gfis and blitz his thrower, both down - shes prone, he is stuned. His turn 7, first move 2+ dodge, 1. My apothed ma7 linewoman gets up, picksup easily in the rain and gfis to score. 2-2. and overtime.
Against the now outnumbered elves its easy to pick up and cage forward for the win. phew.”
First half saw me fail several passes in an attempt to get a 5pp linewoman a skill. All failed. First couple gave my oppoennt an easy score with me recieving, rest I recovered from, but last turn he managed a pow wthout tackle on my ball carrier, and of course after regaining the ball turn 8, was unable to make a 4+ rerolled pickup to even try to score. 0-1
Second half I press his players and he fails a short pass with a fumble. I surround and grab hold of the ball. Blitz rerolled knocks it free for him but he fails a 2+ dodge to attempts to grab hold of it. Next turn i chain push a prone player onto the ball. It scatters onto his player i blocked, he catches it, he gets powed and goes down, ball scatters to a blitzer who catches while in 3 tackle zones. 3 more 2d blocks on him results in no pow, leaving him free to run forward, handoff to a lineelf who passes to a catcher to score. 0-2.
Then the luck finally changes. after several failures my liwoman managed to make a pass for an spp. I move 3 players wide in a line, which he blocks with a line of elves next to them. next turn i push one away, blitz away another and make a handoff catch in now heavy rain and run in to make it 1-2.
Kickoff: touchback. his thrower runs back out of range while a couple elves run down one wing. I blitz the catcher and mark up his players left in the centre, try to dodge past one and fail the 3+ rerolled for a BH, apothed her. Then he makes a couple blocks then fails a 2+ dodge, letting me stand up that apothed player, make a 3+ dodge, 2 gfis and blitz his thrower, both down - shes prone, he is stuned. His turn 7, first move 2+ dodge, 1. My apothed ma7 linewoman gets up, picksup easily in the rain and gfis to score. 2-2. and overtime.
Against the now outnumbered elves its easy to pick up and cage forward for the win. phew.”