“A few turns into the second half, I had 6 guys KO/BH/SI - one of my Big Guys was KO'd. I had the ball, but it was apparent that I could not improve the score of 2-1, so it became a game of survival. One goblin after another bit the dust, I dropped the ball but it bounced into the hands of my very (heh) agile Ogre. He got surrounded and I tried a complete gambling quickpass over the head of a ghoul - who promptly intercepted, but then trips in a goblin tackle zone and I reclaim the ball and hold it for the last turn.
The gobbos will surely get a good bowl of stew for dinner. Mama Snot and Papa Snot are very proud of their little ones.”
The gobbos will surely get a good bowl of stew for dinner. Mama Snot and Papa Snot are very proud of their little ones.”