“This game was just freaking outrageous. The rats were down by 4-0 just because some person didn't do a good job with the RNG. A replay of the game can confirm this.
The poor elves were sadly torn apart. Their tree died in the first turn and that followed up by them also getting two SI. They killed a Storm Vermin as revenge but luckily the apo did his job this time. Add some misses on 2+ (like doing an extra move to BH) or missing a quickpass with pass and accurate and you see what I mean. All this happened in the games first three turns but I guess that's the price you have to pay when you are dealing with a badly programmed computer generated diceroller. My grandmother could program a better one!
It took until the fourth try (in the second half) for the rats to do a oneturnTD and finally get their first TD but by then it was obviously too late. It's like the game has decided on what will happen.
I thank Mr.QB for being a real sportsman and I will gladly meet him any time, any day. It is not his fault that you can't play a normal game because you are afraid what the RNG will come up with instead of enjoying the game.
hellmaister out
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The poor elves were sadly torn apart. Their tree died in the first turn and that followed up by them also getting two SI. They killed a Storm Vermin as revenge but luckily the apo did his job this time. Add some misses on 2+ (like doing an extra move to BH) or missing a quickpass with pass and accurate and you see what I mean. All this happened in the games first three turns but I guess that's the price you have to pay when you are dealing with a badly programmed computer generated diceroller. My grandmother could program a better one!
It took until the fourth try (in the second half) for the rats to do a oneturnTD and finally get their first TD but by then it was obviously too late. It's like the game has decided on what will happen.
I thank Mr.QB for being a real sportsman and I will gladly meet him any time, any day. It is not his fault that you can't play a normal game because you are afraid what the RNG will come up with instead of enjoying the game.
hellmaister out