“The game started out extremly boring, in streaming rain, with no team being able to score at all in the first half.
Both Okyale and Thalestris proved their skill with a long pass each, once more. Our First TD scored by Euryleia though, was more due to her flexibility as a player than a pass beforehand. Being blocked by an enemy blitzer ready to tackle on the right and the enemy thrower on the left, two steps from the ball lying on Skyriders End Zone, she decided to blitz the weak thrower, following the block and proceeding to do the two steps to the Ball, picking it up and scoring at the same moment.
Ainippe's TD then was a classic pass - score TD, Eidelons still having a chance to intercept but falling unlucky on the now slippery, muddy playfield.
Sadly some of our fans left during the eventless first half and thus missed what turned out to be one of our most successful games, as well as Lysippe's last as an active player. Following Asteria she now works as a coach for the team - a job we are all sure she will handle as professional and successful as she was acting on the field.
Lysippe is replaced by another young player - Alcippe, a promising new face.”
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Both Okyale and Thalestris proved their skill with a long pass each, once more. Our First TD scored by Euryleia though, was more due to her flexibility as a player than a pass beforehand. Being blocked by an enemy blitzer ready to tackle on the right and the enemy thrower on the left, two steps from the ball lying on Skyriders End Zone, she decided to blitz the weak thrower, following the block and proceeding to do the two steps to the Ball, picking it up and scoring at the same moment.
Ainippe's TD then was a classic pass - score TD, Eidelons still having a chance to intercept but falling unlucky on the now slippery, muddy playfield.
Sadly some of our fans left during the eventless first half and thus missed what turned out to be one of our most successful games, as well as Lysippe's last as an active player. Following Asteria she now works as a coach for the team - a job we are all sure she will handle as professional and successful as she was acting on the field.
Lysippe is replaced by another young player - Alcippe, a promising new face.”