“I was outclassed from the get-go. Between his employing that damn str 6 star centaur and that mo-fo dp hobgob causing cas on two of my stars, there just wasn't a blessed thing I could do. Couldn't even use the apo on poor Todd, as he bought it way back in turn 1 of the first half, and there's no way I'm gonna use an apo on a single-skill lineman that early in a game. So while I'm glad I didn't need to use the apo for anything serious the rest of hte game, now I have to explain to the widow why he's dead and the team doc didn't do a blessed thing all game long.”
“All whinging aside, my opponent is correct. He was outclassed. :-P What the coach in question fails to mention is that the human squad was 20-odd strength higher than the poor Short and Curliez Chaos Dwarf team. So, as any smart coach would do to even the odds, a moderately skilled ringer was brought in by the name of Hthark. I know, I've never heard of him either.
During the game, the ref failed to spot the hobgoblin dirty player innocently going about his business on the pitch. For some odd reason, the human fans were going berserk during every drive, pointing and yelling obscenities at the poor underpaid dirty player. Meanwhile, the ref was doing his job watching the play. Unfortunately, seeing the uncouth humans in the crowd yelling and screaming disgruntled the chaos dwarf fans, and the Short and Curliez attendance is expected to dip lower due to the loss of a fan factor. The heathens humans...”
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