#6 Aramis II – Dead (RIP) #9 Athos II – Broken Ribs (MNG) #9 Athos II – Smashed Knee (NI) #11 Mathmos II – Broken Ribs (MNG)
“Mmmm EMU
Y'know, in a bizarre way that was kind of fun. Less of this messing around with the ball, more trying to guess how many of the dumb elves would die :)
For the record I retired two of the mngs after the game. TR pruning you see, all planned for oh yes.
And we didn't lose... and Needpractis is now MA10, just sprint away from one-turn cheese. Mmmm cheese ”
Y'know, in a bizarre way that was kind of fun. Less of this messing around with the ball, more trying to guess how many of the dumb elves would die :)
For the record I retired two of the mngs after the game. TR pruning you see, all planned for oh yes.
And we didn't lose... and Needpractis is now MA10, just sprint away from one-turn cheese. Mmmm cheese