“Despite a valiant effort from the highly outclassed Ardtwats will gave a very good account of ourselves.
We went in at the half 1-0 up and were without a doubt the most impressive side so far.
If it wasnt for a highly annoying Pitch Invasion that killed 1 seriously injured 1 Knocked out 1 and stunned 2 of my players I think we would of won. I even had Seppuku running scared at one point "I might not win, Rens good" were his words in the group chat!
Nevermind, I expected to lose although it was closer than you might imagine...”
We went in at the half 1-0 up and were without a doubt the most impressive side so far.
If it wasnt for a highly annoying Pitch Invasion that killed 1 seriously injured 1 Knocked out 1 and stunned 2 of my players I think we would of won. I even had Seppuku running scared at one point "I might not win, Rens good" were his words in the group chat!
Nevermind, I expected to lose although it was closer than you might imagine...”