“Was a decent game, aside from Corneto25 being a jerk in chat. He made offensive comments about my playing ability. Game was pretty one sided when it came to ball-handling, failed alot of 2+ rolls for dodge/pub/BH with double skulls on both sides multiple times. What really got me this match is when Corneto25 makes a turn 8 2nd half sideline push (without hope to score or stop a score, with him making dodges just to do it.....anyway he ended up killing my player), then he bitched when I fouled him in retaliation in my turn 8.
Overall Corneto25 is a bad sport who talks a lot of trash for no reason, other than to try and boost his ego. Who cares if I attempt a blitz with my ogre? I wouldn't call you a bad coach for it. He is a hypocrite, he says I made foolish moves, yet he fouls with IGMEOU and gets his player thrown from the game, yet I make a blitz with my ogre and miss a BH roll....so I am a bad coach....whatever.
Overall Corneto25 is a bad sport who talks a lot of trash for no reason, other than to try and boost his ego. Who cares if I attempt a blitz with my ogre? I wouldn't call you a bad coach for it. He is a hypocrite, he says I made foolish moves, yet he fouls with IGMEOU and gets his player thrown from the game, yet I make a blitz with my ogre and miss a BH roll....so I am a bad coach....whatever.