“Well...did i say the Hawks would make a comeback?
And with style too!!
The Hawks chose a game vs Woodelves, in the thoguht that a nice relaxed gentlemens game of *passing* style bloodbowl would be welcome remedy to ge them back into the swing of things....little did they know...
To the game..the first turn started strongly...unfortunately for the Sacred Grove elves...a death caused by the first few blocks in the gmae, and an incompetent Apothecary made this a RIP after just one turn. Suffice to say this was going to be the shape of things to come.
The Hawks Catcher, originally thoguht have been a bit of a slob and a mistake (MB on a catcher..what the hell!!) decided to show the coach what was what in this game, letting his abilities shine by perfroming a blistering run down the field, with the odd block in their too, to score the first TD after on 2 turns.
More dismay was to follow for the Sacred Groves..after setting up for their play, the Sacred Grove team were blitzed immediately, allowing again, Darune to run down and take control, accompanied by his armed guard. The second TD was inevitable, and unfortuately more hardship was to come by the Sacred Grove. Injury followed injury, and at one point the Sacred Grove had 3 people in KO, 2 in BH and 1 RIP. Those on the field were either prone or stunned, with one or two solitary elves looknig sheepishly for help.
The 1st Half ended 3-0, and the second half kciked off...or so we thoguht.The Sacred Grove were recieving, and suddenly the crowd dediced to riot. The game was held up for 6 turns.
Start of turn 6, the Sacred Grove did an impressive play, using their now present Treeman (not present in the first half...he lost his way in the forest..pfft) to multiple block 2 of the Hawks men on the widezone, knocking them both stunned. The Sacred Grove thrower picked up the ball deep in his own half, retreating to the safety of the TD line to see what was to come...unfortunatley...what was to come was Darune Swiftcatch (remember him? the STR 4 Mighty blow catcher ?).
The Hawks managed to maintain ground on the LOS, and this allowed a them to break past the weakened Sacred Grove team, who had left a hole in their defence. The Hawks Blitz team...2 BLitzers, and Darune, raced towards the Catcher in the hope that they might reach in time.
Start of turn eight and the Sacred Grove begin to grow concerned. They decided to knock down the main threat, Darune...and down he goes..but not out.... their thrower looks around nervously for someone to pass to..as he looks up he sees one of his fellow men collapse to the ground...a turnover..and the thrower still has the ball..spotting his chance, Darune in his hazy state gets up and storms forward, rolling a pushback, and a pow/skull .....luckily he also has the block skill..the thrower falls and is KO, leaving the balls a couple of feet away, the groggy Darune runs forward and scores the final TD in the dying seconds of the match.
The Sacred Grove were unlucky..deeply....even more so that the Hawks were last game...and they were REALLY unlucky then.
They did nothing wrong, other than have the dice never go their way, double 1's followed double skulls followed single skulls rerolled to single skull/pow when the attacker has no block skill.
A death in the second half aswell, and more BH put the game well beyond them..especially since 6 turns had already gone.
As you can tell from their SPP, they hardly even had a chance to shine, completing only one pass, and nothing else..the hardest injury they could do was a mere KO.
The Hawks on the other hand, caused injury after injury, KO after BH after RIP.
They say Bloodbowl is a game of two halves....not in this match...
And with style too!!
The Hawks chose a game vs Woodelves, in the thoguht that a nice relaxed gentlemens game of *passing* style bloodbowl would be welcome remedy to ge them back into the swing of things....little did they know...
To the game..the first turn started strongly...unfortunately for the Sacred Grove elves...a death caused by the first few blocks in the gmae, and an incompetent Apothecary made this a RIP after just one turn. Suffice to say this was going to be the shape of things to come.
The Hawks Catcher, originally thoguht have been a bit of a slob and a mistake (MB on a catcher..what the hell!!) decided to show the coach what was what in this game, letting his abilities shine by perfroming a blistering run down the field, with the odd block in their too, to score the first TD after on 2 turns.
More dismay was to follow for the Sacred Groves..after setting up for their play, the Sacred Grove team were blitzed immediately, allowing again, Darune to run down and take control, accompanied by his armed guard. The second TD was inevitable, and unfortuately more hardship was to come by the Sacred Grove. Injury followed injury, and at one point the Sacred Grove had 3 people in KO, 2 in BH and 1 RIP. Those on the field were either prone or stunned, with one or two solitary elves looknig sheepishly for help.
The 1st Half ended 3-0, and the second half kciked off...or so we thoguht.The Sacred Grove were recieving, and suddenly the crowd dediced to riot. The game was held up for 6 turns.
Start of turn 6, the Sacred Grove did an impressive play, using their now present Treeman (not present in the first half...he lost his way in the forest..pfft) to multiple block 2 of the Hawks men on the widezone, knocking them both stunned. The Sacred Grove thrower picked up the ball deep in his own half, retreating to the safety of the TD line to see what was to come...unfortunatley...what was to come was Darune Swiftcatch (remember him? the STR 4 Mighty blow catcher ?).
The Hawks managed to maintain ground on the LOS, and this allowed a them to break past the weakened Sacred Grove team, who had left a hole in their defence. The Hawks Blitz team...2 BLitzers, and Darune, raced towards the Catcher in the hope that they might reach in time.
Start of turn eight and the Sacred Grove begin to grow concerned. They decided to knock down the main threat, Darune...and down he goes..but not out.... their thrower looks around nervously for someone to pass to..as he looks up he sees one of his fellow men collapse to the ground...a turnover..and the thrower still has the ball..spotting his chance, Darune in his hazy state gets up and storms forward, rolling a pushback, and a pow/skull .....luckily he also has the block skill..the thrower falls and is KO, leaving the balls a couple of feet away, the groggy Darune runs forward and scores the final TD in the dying seconds of the match.
The Sacred Grove were unlucky..deeply....even more so that the Hawks were last game...and they were REALLY unlucky then.
They did nothing wrong, other than have the dice never go their way, double 1's followed double skulls followed single skulls rerolled to single skull/pow when the attacker has no block skill.
A death in the second half aswell, and more BH put the game well beyond them..especially since 6 turns had already gone.
As you can tell from their SPP, they hardly even had a chance to shine, completing only one pass, and nothing else..the hardest injury they could do was a mere KO.
The Hawks on the other hand, caused injury after injury, KO after BH after RIP.
They say Bloodbowl is a game of two halves....not in this match...
So..the Hawks are back..game on.”