“Now this was more like it, the rats are going to have to teach our mummies how to hit because at the end of this game there were only seven elves still standing on the field and three of them were in the casulty boxes. For those of you who like to see movement in a blood bowl game, this also might be more your speed. Lots of running, hitting, dodging and passing. Also lots of 1's rolled by my opponent which is always a good thing. There was also a thoroughly battered ref. Both teams got him at the start of the second half and then, just to make sure he'd gotten the message, our fans dragged him back in the stands for a little "reinforcer" at the start of the next drive. And yet not a foul was committed....
Late in the first half I decided that things weren't competitive enough and opted to chuck the ball downfield. Now this wasn't necessarily a bad idea, but I threw it too close to the sideline, the ball (naturally) went out of bounds, went out of bounds again over the endzone and ended up one square closer to my goal line than it had been when I originally picked it up. A couple of flattened rats later and the Dark Elves had tied up the game.
After we'd each scored again a bobbled pass and then a failed GFI allowed my Gutter Runner (who had initially dropped the ball) to scoop up the ball and dash for the endzone and the win.”
Late in the first half I decided that things weren't competitive enough and opted to chuck the ball downfield. Now this wasn't necessarily a bad idea, but I threw it too close to the sideline, the ball (naturally) went out of bounds, went out of bounds again over the endzone and ended up one square closer to my goal line than it had been when I originally picked it up. A couple of flattened rats later and the Dark Elves had tied up the game.
After we'd each scored again a bobbled pass and then a failed GFI allowed my Gutter Runner (who had initially dropped the ball) to scoop up the ball and dash for the endzone and the win.”