#5 Lord of Death – Broken Ribs (MNG) #5 Lord of Death – Smashed Knee (NI)
“One of my most unlucky games so far. At the end of the first half my luck percentage was down at 37%. runebrathset got under scrutiny on the handicaproll so I couldn't use Fungus and basicly averything that could went wrong. In the first half (as I remember it, and I actually don't think it's that far from the truth) about half of my really stupid rolls failed, and yes, I had goblins on adjacent squares. At the end of the second half i had only one troll left on the field. The other troll was knocked out when runebrathset's ogre rolled blockpow and both fell, and ofcours nothing happened to the ogre. I set up heavily on one flank and had a fairly good chance of scoring in the last two turns, making the mach a draw, and I remember thinking "How typical if he gets to reposition his players", and guess what happened...
Well, just one of those days when you ask yourself why you keep playing this silly game...”
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Well, just one of those days when you ask yourself why you keep playing this silly game...”