“We dedicate this victory in this first game of the Super UMT season to our fans, without whom this would certainly have been a more difficult game. We received first but, right after the kick-off, the crowd took to the field in a riot that ate up four turns, leaving us with just enough time to score before the half was up. With only one turn left in the half and no one-turner the rats weren't going anywhere with the ball but our fans didn't care. Having experienced the pitch once they were hungry for more and once more rushed the field, this time hungry for rat blood. Two rats were KO'd and joined the one who was still in the box from last drive and three more were stunned. Down six rats there was even less of nothing they could do in their last turn of the half and they were left badly weakened for the next one..
The second half saw the rats attempt a quick score down the lower widezone but we managed to put enough dorfs in their way that the GR tripped and KO'd himself trying to run through their tackle zones and dumped the ball right into our Hobgoblin Duger's hands, who managed to run it in for our second TD. The rats set up basically the same play again but this time, despite using my wizard (who was beginning to look like he might be warming the bench all night), the GR managed to run through the two tacklezones, dancing on the very edge of the pitch, and scored in their last turn.
We got a good amount of money for this game but our fans were apparently unhappy with us. Despite all of the assistance they gave us in the first half, we passed up the opportunity to give at least one, and probably two, storm vermin to them to play with and our fan factor suffered their wrath instead.”
The second half saw the rats attempt a quick score down the lower widezone but we managed to put enough dorfs in their way that the GR tripped and KO'd himself trying to run through their tackle zones and dumped the ball right into our Hobgoblin Duger's hands, who managed to run it in for our second TD. The rats set up basically the same play again but this time, despite using my wizard (who was beginning to look like he might be warming the bench all night), the GR managed to run through the two tacklezones, dancing on the very edge of the pitch, and scored in their last turn.
We got a good amount of money for this game but our fans were apparently unhappy with us. Despite all of the assistance they gave us in the first half, we passed up the opportunity to give at least one, and probably two, storm vermin to them to play with and our fan factor suffered their wrath instead.”