“We were up against a far superior team. We were intimidated by their Black Orcs and they came to dominate the physical game in the begining of the first half. Edshrinkaz left a few openings and we had our chances to strike at the ballcarrier and pick up the ball. Misfortune with some blocks and failed pickups made it possible for the orcs to score a fairly quick touchdown.
With a little better organization of our guard players we managed to throw back the Black Orc line and slowly advance forward. The hard work resulted in a solid touchdown in turn 8 but before that Decaying Doom died and #6 Decaying flesh took a nasty injury that will most likely cost him his career.
The second half was to be tainted by poor blocks from both sides and a very important factor was that our beast failed bonehead five times out of the six first turns. Our drive did not start out as well as the one before due to failing a few blocks and not being able to throw back the Black Orc line and our blitz failed somewhat as well. Regardless of that we pushed forward and both teams collided in a big heap, bashing left and right. Stahnlee"Me'll Grab'em then tried to blitz our ballcarrier who were in a vulnerable position. The block failed and our ballcarrier was pinned against the sideline. But the misfortunate Black Orc was also in a bad position as he were shortly to experience. Some of our players went to the rescue and sent the poor Stahnlee out into the crowd who did happened to end up in the wrong spot among the crowd. Another Bonehead from our Beast left us open to a far more dangerous attack on our ballcarrier. But the ball scattered in the worst possible way and we lost it. A small tactical error along with a failed blitz enabled the orcs to run away with the ball from the main crowd of players.
But a failed catch gave us another chance to prevent disaster in the form of an orch touchdown. But our blitz failed and our pickup also failed leaving us in a pretty bad situation. The orcs picked up the ball but once again left us with the oppertunity to stop them with a successful block. But once again we failed the block and we were still in danger of loosing the game. The orcs were within reach of the endzone and tried to take that last step but fell over. We moved in with one beastman to somewhat secure the prone orc and then with another who managed to pick up the ball and pass the ball to a more secure location beside our nurgle beast and a rotter. The Edshrinkaz gave it one last shot but it was far to difficult and they were stopped short by a failed dodge.”
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With a little better organization of our guard players we managed to throw back the Black Orc line and slowly advance forward. The hard work resulted in a solid touchdown in turn 8 but before that Decaying Doom died and #6 Decaying flesh took a nasty injury that will most likely cost him his career.
The second half was to be tainted by poor blocks from both sides and a very important factor was that our beast failed bonehead five times out of the six first turns. Our drive did not start out as well as the one before due to failing a few blocks and not being able to throw back the Black Orc line and our blitz failed somewhat as well. Regardless of that we pushed forward and both teams collided in a big heap, bashing left and right. Stahnlee"Me'll Grab'em then tried to blitz our ballcarrier who were in a vulnerable position. The block failed and our ballcarrier was pinned against the sideline. But the misfortunate Black Orc was also in a bad position as he were shortly to experience. Some of our players went to the rescue and sent the poor Stahnlee out into the crowd who did happened to end up in the wrong spot among the crowd. Another Bonehead from our Beast left us open to a far more dangerous attack on our ballcarrier. But the ball scattered in the worst possible way and we lost it. A small tactical error along with a failed blitz enabled the orcs to run away with the ball from the main crowd of players.
But a failed catch gave us another chance to prevent disaster in the form of an orch touchdown. But our blitz failed and our pickup also failed leaving us in a pretty bad situation. The orcs picked up the ball but once again left us with the oppertunity to stop them with a successful block. But once again we failed the block and we were still in danger of loosing the game. The orcs were within reach of the endzone and tried to take that last step but fell over. We moved in with one beastman to somewhat secure the prone orc and then with another who managed to pick up the ball and pass the ball to a more secure location beside our nurgle beast and a rotter. The Edshrinkaz gave it one last shot but it was far to difficult and they were stopped short by a failed dodge.”