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Match Result · DivX Legacy division
Match recorded on 2003-05-23 19:55:54
CTV 1890k Ogre
Winnings 20k
+1 Dedicated Fans
Casualties 3/3/1
Amazon CTV 1520k
30k Winnings
Fanfactor -1
0/2/0 Casualties
Player Performances
[in response to BadMrMojo]
Well, this game was strange to say the least. To the best of my recollection, the opening drive started like this. Pitch Invasion, stunned one player on the 'zon team. I got the ball to my ag 4 goob and tossed him towards the square behind the stunned 'zon. Result - Badly Hurt goob (my best ball handler - turn 1!) This turn over lead to the amazons being in position to score on turn 2 - did they ? no blitz the other goob. KO. Now what exactly is an ogre team supposed to do when they have no ball handlers ? sit back and let the other team trounce them? No way. These ogres did what they do best - at least 4 blitzs lost to bone head in this game--with misses on the rerolls (expectation ? 2.6 blitzes lost per game.) No matter - bone head defence and all - we did our best to move the ball - and what happens - the amazons push our poor goob into the crowd! <i>Is it revenge to do the same to their player?</i> Yes, I guess so...but she was a crazy b*tch 'zon - she dodged into the ogre "cage" to push poor goob out, and ogre's had little recourse since the ball was already beyond reach of any player. (Side note, after positioning the goob - I made the comment that I hope BadMrMojo isn't suicidal. Apparently he was - and he called it retaliation... lol.

Sure I messed up badly at second drive - setup to receive ball when they were kicking. Pitch invasion - bam! 5 stunned amazons! and my stupid goob was 7 steps off the los. did we foul then ? no... but we could have.

Don't be fooled - Pansy Division may have fouled in "retailation" to amazon's blitzing and <b>fouling</b> my goobs. (Look at their cas - 2 serious - look at their spp's they got 1 cas -> they fouled and seriously injured my 2nd best goob...) That is to be expected.

Look at my stats - 7 casualties - dispite statements to the contray - I got spp's for 4. 2 of the casualties were from the fans. Maybe they got mad that the bone headed coach made the wrong setup. 1 of the casualties was from fouling in retaliation to the amazons foul and forcing me to use apothecary on goob. The amazon coach made it very difficult to play the ball. We used TTM - just wasn't a good day for it. The 1 point scored was from caging the ball and taking 3 turns to move the goob in range to score. While the amazons may have only been field 5 for the second half - the pansy division was fielding no more than 9.

Oh yeah as for being broken. This team usally does about the same - the best winning ogre teams have ag 4 goobs and passing ogres (with ag 3 too!) Broken is loosing so many blitzes to bone head. Broken is loosing all tackle zones so as to allow 'zon to waltz past you and hit your goobs. ... Broken is having strength over the other team and they still beat you.

BadMrMojo, what I said was it is to be expected that you will blitz the goob. That isn't an accusation. Everyone does it. I expect it. Retailation? Such a strong word. Maybe I should have just conceeded? I tried to pick up the ball with my ogres. I tried to play the ball - just wasn't in the dice to succeed.

For Pansy Division this game was tied for 1st in number of casualties (see <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&op=view&id=37438>StJade SabreSnakes</a> 3rd match.)
This match took Pansy Divisions cas diff from -1 to 6. TD Diff from -14 to -15. And left match record at 3/3/11...

Thank you for the game - dispite loosing - I thought the game was very interesting.

[rebuttal ? lol]
Well, I don't think I accused you of anything. that is, I am not claiming to be a victim. As for GFI'ing 2 times to blitz the ball carrier? LOL - I had no rerolls. I counted it and it was simply putting a tz on the ball carrier - at what cost? 2 GFI and a dodge. To boot you had 4 players who could easily blitz the ogre (without block) asside and you had a reroll. The rest of my team was too far off to do much to stop them, I belive I could have put two of the 4 potential assists in TZ - but they all have dodge, and you didn't need to dodge anyone to get a 2D block on my hyphathetical TZ... A high risk move to score is acceptable. A high risk move to have a slim chance of stopping you ? unacceptable.
Player Performances

#5 argemone – Smashed Knee (NI)
#13 Shirley Wilks – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#13 Shirley Wilks – Smashed Knee (NI)
Ouch. Niggles on my thrower (doubles first skill... sigh. She's gone now.) and my +AG blodging lino. Bleah. 2 MNGs just make the pot all that much sweeter.

2 Pitch invasions against me to start the two halves really kind of set the scene for the hurting to come. I had some wonderfully lucky plays (dodging into 3tz to bounce his ball carrier out, which then bounced right next to my blitzer who grabbed it and threw down field for my second score to end the half), but the story was mostly AlphaX's blocking dice. Brutal. 7 CAS and I really feel like I got off lightly.

Of course the 7 CAS don't include those from fouling and sending argemone crowd surfing after the play mentioned above. In fact, I got a little annoyed that I'd blitz a goblin to make a play and suddenly I was subjected to accusations and retaliatory strikes. I was playing the ball at all times, in my opinion, and Alphax was playing for revenge. Oh, well. Made it possible to score, even though I only had 5 players for the whole second half.

If he'd gone for the plays rather than the easiest way to rough up my little av 7 girls, he would easily have won. That's what happens when you play up against a (IMHO) broken team that has 40 TR on you, I guess.

Thanks for the game, AlphaX.

[in response to the response, now that I'm a bit less bitter :) ]

For the record, the 2 SIs were caused by a crowd push and a block. Yes, I blitzed the STR 2 guys to clear a hole instead of the str 5 guys. Not because they were stunty, but because they were the only way I could make a hole.

The accusations and retaliatory bashing I referred to (and I admit now that that was a little bit of whining on my part. Sorry for that. It's an acceptable way to play, just not my favorite.) were in the initial stages of the game when I was trying to make my way through 6 or 7 Ogres and make a hole. Once he got a few girls off the pitch (I started the second half with 5, all stunned by the second PI. Very funny sight...) the complaining ceased.

Yes, I did foul one goblin. It's not something I was proud of, but there was a reason for it. Simply put, he was in my way. I was forming a cage and the downed goblin was behind it where I had no coverage. He could have made a wild block on my ball carrier and still had reasonable chances of success. The retaliatory fouling I'm referring to, AlphaX, is when you fouled someone who had no part of the play. Also, when you get the first turn and foul on that turn, it's not retaliatory. I haven't had a chance to go yet, therefore I could not have fouled you already. Does that make sense to anyone?

Regarding the crowd pushes (there were two, I believe), there were reasons for both. The first was in the first half. After the gobbo fell from the TTM, as A-X mentioned, I formed up a cage and headed down the bottom of the field. There was a goblin on the sideline and an ogre 3 spaces in. I could not have formed a complete cage with that goblin standing and the ogre in position unless I got past them. To do so would have required either moving the ogre 2 more spaces in or making enough dodge rolls to get 5 girls through 3 tzs.... OR bouncing the goblin. Sorry. Had to do it to get past. For the record, he was either stunned or KO'd by the crowd.

The second crowd push was later in the second half, as the ogres were going for a score. I had one zon close enough to do anything about it. I didn't have enough movement to put a screen infront of the cage and the goblin was in scoring range with 1 gfi. A-X was so kind as to try to scare me away from trying it, but I dodged the one zon into the cage (3+ and 4+ dodges with my +AG lino. Lucky.) and bounced the gobbo sitting on the sideline. Got the MNG mentioned above. My zon was left on the sideline and out of TZs. The ball scattered in bounds and was snagged by a blitzer who threw downfield to my catcher.

Now this is what I referred to as retaliation. He had the choice to either try to blitz to get the ball carrier (with 2 gfis, I think. It was a bit of a long shot) or blitz someone out of the way to put a tz on her (much better odds). Instead, he used the blitz to bounce my zon on the sideline. What purpose did it serve? How was that playing the ball? That was a retaliatory strike. I accept this. That's fine. Yeah, I complained some because she was a good player, but you can't claim to be victimized there.
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