“What can I say about this match, other than I got my arse handed to me on a silver platter? We lost our oldest and greatest team member Menion to a block in turn 2 of the match, which sent the entire team into a state of shock they could not recover from. The apo just took off his hat and covered his face, not knowing where to begin to put Menion back together after such a horrendous hit. Allanon, our ogre team captain, just stood dumbfounded, until he was given a concussion and sent off to dream of happier games, with all his old pals around him. It seems I'm destined never to have a player last for as many games as other coaches with long-lived teams can boast. Coll failed twice to get that one completion he needed for his skill, he was so downtrodden. The fans were so upset to see their star die that they started walking out early, never to return, and taking the precious money with them (rolled 1 on each cash/ff). The real kicker? We are still 5000 short of replacing Menion.
The bright side? Losing Menion's 75 spp means our TR drops faster than our TS, so we'll still be competitive for next game. The bad news? We intentionally avoided giving Menion that one last spp for his skill for the last dozen games, afraid he'd age. Now we'll never know if he would have, or if he'd be on his way towards greatness... At least we stopped that blasted agi 1 ogre of his from scoring after plucking the ball out of the bouncing air despite two tz's on him. Yeah, that's it, find something positive about the game.
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The bright side? Losing Menion's 75 spp means our TR drops faster than our TS, so we'll still be competitive for next game. The bad news? We intentionally avoided giving Menion that one last spp for his skill for the last dozen games, afraid he'd age. Now we'll never know if he would have, or if he'd be on his way towards greatness... At least we stopped that blasted agi 1 ogre of his from scoring after plucking the ball out of the bouncing air despite two tz's on him. Yeah, that's it, find something positive about the game.