His turn zero (blitz) he fouls and badly hurts my Ogre.
Down to 10 players. In my first turn I make my safe moves, secure the ball and at the very end I decide to try and dodge away with my beastman from his troll. Dodge fails (happens) Beastman dies. Rrright.
Apo did not fail this game like last time.
But playing an entire game vs Orcs with 10 players and no apo is sure as hell not something I'd like to do.
In my drive my MA7 maurauder has to gfi once to score in my second turn. Re-roll in hand I decided to do it because there was no way I could secure the ball. And anything but double 1 would mean a 1-0 lead.
Then hopefully use my tentacled mino to pin 2 orcs or so and try to weather the storm/mount a solid defense.
Like I said; one gfi with RR.
1 *re-roll* 1.
Rrright again. :-(
In the end he could not score either in the first half but in the second I could field only 8 players. A huge scrap later he scores 1-0 leaving me 2 turns to try and equalise.
With a dodge, 2 gfi, a long-pass (with ag4 but still) and a catch I manage to do just that.
With no back-up re-roll mind you.
How come on earth this works and the single gfi -with RR- doesn't? Anyone?
FF did not drop but winnings were poor again. Not even enough to replace the dead marauder.
His turn zero (blitz) he fouls and badly hurts my Ogre.
Down to 10 players. In my first turn I make my safe moves, secure the ball and at the very end I decide to try and dodge away with my beastman from his troll. Dodge fails (happens) Beastman dies. Rrright.
Apo did not fail this game like last time.
But playing an entire game vs Orcs with 10 players and no apo is sure as hell not something I'd like to do.
In my drive my MA7 maurauder has to gfi once to score in my second turn. Re-roll in hand I decided to do it because there was no way I could secure the ball. And anything but double 1 would mean a 1-0 lead.
Then hopefully use my tentacled mino to pin 2 orcs or so and try to weather the storm/mount a solid defense.
Like I said; one gfi with RR.
1 *re-roll* 1.
Rrright again. :-(
In the end he could not score either in the first half but in the second I could field only 8 players. A huge scrap later he scores 1-0 leaving me 2 turns to try and equalise.
With a dodge, 2 gfi, a long-pass (with ag4 but still) and a catch I manage to do just that.
With no back-up re-roll mind you.
How come on earth this works and the single gfi -with RR- doesn't? Anyone?
FF did not drop but winnings were poor again. Not even enough to replace the dead marauder.
This team is in trouble.