“I say it was most unsporting. First one of our mighty blowing chaps gets a knife strapped to his wrist only to be hunted down by three *yes dear sir you heard me, THREE of the walking forest...
To make matters worse one of our blokes choked on a bad cinnamon roll, thats the last time we try the famed halfling cuisine, as the same roll was passed on to another one of our songs and he immediately got indigestion causing him to miss next game due to some severe stomache pumping.
thank god our apothecary managed to save a third one choking on the darn lunch.
All in all a funtacular match with some nice servings of roasted elf, and a little bit of halfling gut flying around. Lost deservedly, and had a good time with *ironically* a fire alarm somewhere along the match on my side while trog was on the fire station... sabotage? we will never know!”
To make matters worse one of our blokes choked on a bad cinnamon roll, thats the last time we try the famed halfling cuisine, as the same roll was passed on to another one of our songs and he immediately got indigestion causing him to miss next game due to some severe stomache pumping.
thank god our apothecary managed to save a third one choking on the darn lunch.
All in all a funtacular match with some nice servings of roasted elf, and a little bit of halfling gut flying around. Lost deservedly, and had a good time with *ironically* a fire alarm somewhere along the match on my side while trog was on the fire station... sabotage? we will never know!”