“This was a very nice game with the dice having a fair say in the outcome. Clever blocking in the first half allowed the Ratz' Gutter Runners to run wild in my end of the field, racking up an early 3-1 lead, but luckily my offence and his bad luck kicked in in the second half. His having no rerolls for the last 4 turns really made a huge difference as early turnovers eventually sunk him and allowed my blitzers to sack his thrower and, after an agonizing back-and-forth turnover spree, I made a completion with a blitzer to another and thus scored a touchdown. Very nice game with only one casualty between us (and that was a Badly Hurt too) and plenty of scoring.”
“Very good game against two fairly evenly matched teams.
The Ratz were in conrtol of the game, leading 3-1 early in the 2nd half. The Girls failed a dodge on their turn 4 deep in my half of the field and lost the ball. I throw a 2db with no rr's and roll skull/skull. argh.!
from then on, I could not throw a block..and all the rest of my turns ended without everyone moving. So, a 3-1 lead quickly fell to a 3-3 tie (well, the tying score was on turn 8..but he 1) had to knock down my Blodging GR (well, they both are)..get the ball. (doding awya to do do it..dodge of course though). Throw (with an INT chance) to a lady in a TD, dodge away and score....of coures, it works without the need of a RR.
Well, games like that happen..and it was a good, clean game with no fouls (though the Grrls did say early on that they would foul Warp Speed..but he got KO'd on the 1st or 2nd turn and didn't return until the 2nd half, so they didn't have many shots at him)
Flinger got accurate, so he is a really decent thrower now.
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