“We started our offense a bit slow but once we gained momentum we kept going strong toward the endzone. Could have scored earlier but we wanted Orcus to be the one to score so we took one turn to wait for him to catch up. The darkelves made a weak offensive and left their runner very open to attacks. We took care of their runner and the ball as well. We did not secure the ball as well as we would have liked but it was enough to secure it for the remainder of the half.
The elves had the offense in the second half and we intercepted the pass that the 'Sounds of IRC' attempted. The intercept left us with a very good shot at getting away with the ball and score. Unfortunately Vrock fell over when attempting the cruicial dodge and they elves did no mistakes and made the touchdown. Our next drive did not start as well as our first due to failing to pick up the ball. The elves were given half chances to blitz our ballcarrier thought the remainder of the half. It was always a longshot but they always attempted it. They came close some times, but failed in the last moment. Demogorgon could score the winning touchdown in the last turn of the game.”
The elves had the offense in the second half and we intercepted the pass that the 'Sounds of IRC' attempted. The intercept left us with a very good shot at getting away with the ball and score. Unfortunately Vrock fell over when attempting the cruicial dodge and they elves did no mistakes and made the touchdown. Our next drive did not start as well as our first due to failing to pick up the ball. The elves were given half chances to blitz our ballcarrier thought the remainder of the half. It was always a longshot but they always attempted it. They came close some times, but failed in the last moment. Demogorgon could score the winning touchdown in the last turn of the game.”