“I have to thank my noble opponent for his very nice remarks - while it is true that luck was not on my side, I think he is being a tad to modest about his play. I made one to many mistakes, he didn´t and he topped it of with his seven rr´s to insulate him from bad luck....end result: A rather horrendous beating for the Regents.
But defintely GG and looking forward to paying back at some point.”
“Well, Nuffle was certainly smiling on me during this game. Although I managed to fail a handful of rolls, they were generally unimportant ones... most of the important stuff worked. Plus, 7 rerolls help quite a bit! :)
bogh played well, but the dice just weren't with him for most of the game. Unfortunately, some of his fans didn't see it that way, and vowed never to return.
GG bogh, look me up for a rematch anytime. :)”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
But defintely GG and looking forward to paying back at some point.”