“Game started atrociously, failing every ball pickup the first 6 turns as well as most dodges/blocks, even managing to niggle myself on a failed dodge early. His ladies were hitting hard, too, especially Holly, the +ma/+st/mb wonderwoman. Getting a MNG on her in turn 6 proved to be the turning point of the game, as we were able to score two consecutive touchdowns to turn a 2-0 deficit back into a draw. It was then back and forth the rest of hte game, with ko's and chainpush-blocks galore. Each side had a chance to score in turn 8, but neither side could capitalize on it. Guess a draw was the only fair way for the game to end. :-)
Don't know what it is about poor Circles, though...this is the fourth time he's died on the pitch (not counting injuries apo-negated). Maybe Circles V will live just a touch longer (Circles IV died in his very first game...)”
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Don't know what it is about poor Circles, though...this is the fourth time he's died on the pitch (not counting injuries apo-negated). Maybe Circles V will live just a touch longer (Circles IV died in his very first game...)”