“the necronomicon called for luck and it comes! the blizzard in texas was changed to pouring rain and the necronomicon knew it! so every player got some glue on the fingers and for the opponent the ball was oiled too! so the warpstone ratz [r] didn't have any chance to win, only at the moment as the zombie filzer kicked the so bad, that they had a touchback. luckily the claws of the two werewolves stoped the gutter with the ball in the last field. the gutter runner tried to get the ball two times in the td-zone but didn't make it, because of the oiled ball! uahahahahahaa!!! the necronomicon rules!
first time we made under 60'000 and third match were we couldn't raise dead ones...
this team turnes out to be the pure opposit of my elven team. no nigglings, no ff-decreases, no bad throws, no killed stars, no unfair looses...
thx GorTeX for the game, next time the luck will be yours!”
first time we made under 60'000 and third match were we couldn't raise dead ones...
this team turnes out to be the pure opposit of my elven team. no nigglings, no ff-decreases, no bad throws, no killed stars, no unfair looses...
thx GorTeX for the game, next time the luck will be yours!”