“This game made the point that it is better to start off with few Vamps and alot of RR's than alot of Vamps and only 1 RR. I didn't fail OFAB rolls much in the game, and when I did, I usually got to RR them, while Draxus was continually stunning (and one RIP-apothed) his Thralls. Add to this his propensity to foul and get sent off, left Love at First Bite with a big manpower advanatage....even got a 3db on a Vamp from a Thralll at one point!!!
decent game...now do I replace the thrall that is missing the next game..replace the niggler..replace both..or save up for either a VAMP or a rr...hmmm.”
decent game...now do I replace the thrall that is missing the next game..replace the niggler..replace both..or save up for either a VAMP or a rr...hmmm.”