“Morg agreed to join our boyz for a match. He saw how we got brutally beat in our last two games and thought we could learn a thing or twenty about bashin'. Thank you Morg. Your wisdom is appreciated.
Roodle Rockbreaker, who is normally know for breaking rocks, broke a quite dangerous minotaur today with the help of Morg's guidance. Usually Roodle sits on the pitch wondering what's happening around him, even with directions from lineorcs and his great amount of experience, he rarely knows what to. Not the case today.
Even after the untimely death of Bleed'n Bull, Cloggy's fiends charged ahead, and boy can those bulls run. He slipped past our defenses snatched up our precious ball and scored on us.
Morg got so excited after the TD that he knocks out the unstoppable star bull Meuh, but with the clock ticking down we tried for the long bomb and failed.
Second half, and down one. The boyz moral is high, but morg isn't so sure about the victory. The boyz spread out for bull coverage. That tenacious bull breaks through our flank but Spittlespoo runs in and suckerpunches Koetje Boe. Spittlespoo must have hit something important, cause koetje died right there. Gerg grabs up the ball and the pass goes off. The score is tied.
Three turns left and the Doomy Diggers wall up the ball deep in Doomy territory. As we rush in, he rushes out flying right past us. We blitz the ball out of a hobo's hands and morg in a desperate attempt to win the game grabs up the ball and tries for a long bomb to a open orc, but alas it was not ment to be. He fumbles and the game is over.
The game was not without tragedy on our side. Our scoring leader took a hard hit and he may never heal. He's even thinking about quiting the game all together. Well, Barble, do what you gotta.”
#1 Koetje Boe – Dead (RIP) #3 Supercow – Dead (RIP) #11 Git – Broken Ribs (MNG)
Match started off with a surprise appearance from Morg. This left me terribly underpowered to face this team. Off course, to add to the fun my Mino got killed in turn 2, apo failed.
Through some outrageously lucky plays I actually managed to score the 1:0 ( see hobgob interception on 6+, 3 failed blitzes on my ball carrier and a lucky scatter when the 4th one hit home).
Sadly my opponent when out for revenge (:P) also killed one of my blodge bulls, effectively retiring my team.
I may still reconsider, but only because my remaining bull is in some top 10's, which is a first for my teams.
After the game I also managed to niggle a cd blocker on his 2nd skill roll.
Everybody sing along:
"Oh iiiits suuch a perfect day.........."”
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Roodle Rockbreaker, who is normally know for breaking rocks, broke a quite dangerous minotaur today with the help of Morg's guidance. Usually Roodle sits on the pitch wondering what's happening around him, even with directions from lineorcs and his great amount of experience, he rarely knows what to. Not the case today.
Even after the untimely death of Bleed'n Bull, Cloggy's fiends charged ahead, and boy can those bulls run. He slipped past our defenses snatched up our precious ball and scored on us.
Morg got so excited after the TD that he knocks out the unstoppable star bull Meuh, but with the clock ticking down we tried for the long bomb and failed.
Second half, and down one. The boyz moral is high, but morg isn't so sure about the victory. The boyz spread out for bull coverage. That tenacious bull breaks through our flank but Spittlespoo runs in and suckerpunches Koetje Boe. Spittlespoo must have hit something important, cause koetje died right there. Gerg grabs up the ball and the pass goes off. The score is tied.
Three turns left and the Doomy Diggers wall up the ball deep in Doomy territory. As we rush in, he rushes out flying right past us. We blitz the ball out of a hobo's hands and morg in a desperate attempt to win the game grabs up the ball and tries for a long bomb to a open orc, but alas it was not ment to be. He fumbles and the game is over.
The game was not without tragedy on our side. Our scoring leader took a hard hit and he may never heal. He's even thinking about quiting the game all together. Well, Barble, do what you gotta.”