“Gamil Zirak missed the game due to a virus, so he missed out on the fun. Other than that, we were doing rather well until half time. Shame things went downhill after that =) Daffy Duck resolutely avoided getting injured a second time....
You know when you go to the hairdressers, and you get a really short cut? That feeling you get after, when you go out into the cold air - that's what it feels like now =)
Anyway, seeing as this cant really count as a game of Bloodbowl (more just a mass brawl), we wont be awarding a PotG as usual.”
You know when you go to the hairdressers, and you get a really short cut? That feeling you get after, when you go out into the cold air - that's what it feels like now =)
Anyway, seeing as this cant really count as a game of Bloodbowl (more just a mass brawl), we wont be awarding a PotG as usual.”