“That was just stupid... i went into the game expecting to say goodbye to this team. My fears looked well founded when on turn 1 he killed my best black orc though luckily the apoth worked.
I was in trouble now though.....15 turns to survive..... not counting the things that could go wrong in my turns.
Amazingly though, and despite dreads best efforts he didnt cause another cas till the last action of the game.
I on the other hand was like a deranged King Midas. But instead of gold everything i touched turned to blood.
My unskilled lineorc Ead kicka fouled twice causing a bh, then a si before the same bob that had been killed took revenge by killing earthworm jim. this time his apoth worked. Ead kicka new what he had to do and stepped up. as he wiped the fragments of a double-deaded beastman skull off his boots the ref sent him from the field..... mvp well earned. now he just needs dp
as usual dread was a great opponent to play and as usual nuffle punnished him again for some long past crime”
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