“Yet another tie stolen by rediculous luck. My opponent obviously hadn't played bloodbowl much before, or if he had, didn't understand the modifiers for dodging into places. If you watch the replay, on the 7th turn of the second half, after setting up TZ after TZ to ensure that I'd get a clear shot in, he made 4 consecutive 4/5+ dodges without rolling anything but a 6. He amazingly covered me from every angle.
“I hadn't played blood bowl much before but there was no need to state it so insultingly in the report. Anyway, it was an enjoyable game but I should really learn to play a bit better ;)
*EDIT* 'My opponent obviously hadn't played bloodbowl much before' the word 'obviously' intended as an insult there, as I distinctly remember telling him that I was in fact new to the game.”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Watch the replay, you will laugh and cry.
GG sir, enjoyed it.”