CTV 1380k Human
Undead CTV 1520k
#2 Pudding Pete – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#2 Pudding Pete – Smashed Collar Bone (-ST)
#13 Cottoncandy Colin – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#13 Cottoncandy Colin – Smashed Knee (NI)
#11 Jen – Broken Neck (-AG)
#16 Distant – Smashed Hip (-MA)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
I lost track of the number of casualties I suffered and we totally forgot Cottoncandy Colin! He is now our assistent coach (not much else to do with a damaged back) together with Pudding Pete who got his collar bone smashed up. Luckily the apothecary could mend the smashed hand of Mike but Morgan is still complaining about a groin strain.
The Coyotes also had their share of wounded !! The Soft and Sweet fans tried to do what they could to help and they threw a rock and invaded the field !!
And the ball did also do some nice things!! Chocolate Cake and the two throwers find each other well.
Due to popular demand the blitzer that replaces Pudding Pete has assumed the same name. A replacement for Cottoncandy is not yet found but we're looking hard...
Thanks for the game mate, had lots of fun!!! And yes, I know I was more lucky than my 60% luck indicates (meaning my luck came at the right time :)”