“Well.. not the best match for the skaven team, that's for sure.. Three of their niggle rolls failed, including the Rat Ogre's. So <b>On1</b> used the apothecary to keep him in the game (to stand a chance at winning). However.. the evil thing went crazy, knocking out mummies, ghouls, zombies and racking up two casaulties early in the game!
All attempts to knock it down and foul it in first half failed and I had to wait to second half until the skavens numbers had grown few.
As luck would have it, I finally injured the thing.. and it died! It had <b>Block, Claw, Razor Sharp Claws, Multiple-Block, Tentacles</b>. I know I should feel bad for killing it, but.. that thing was MEAN. It had to be stopped!
Sorry On1, but in my place you'd have done the same I'm sure. :P ”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
All attempts to knock it down and foul it in first half failed and I had to wait to second half until the skavens numbers had grown few.
As luck would have it, I finally injured the thing.. and it died! It had <b>Block, Claw, Razor Sharp Claws, Multiple-Block, Tentacles</b>. I know I should feel bad for killing it, but.. that thing was MEAN. It had to be stopped!
Sorry On1, but in my place you'd have done the same I'm sure. :P