Actually my first half was quite bad. My blocks were appallingly bad (3D blocks failing to bring down skill-less rat with re-roll for example) and near the end of that 1st half I had caused on KO mummy. In return the rats KO'd my ST6 mummy, a ghoul and a block-zombie.
I had initially hoped to get one decent turn (or he a bad one) and and-off the ball to either my 14 spp ghoul (KO) or my 13 spp wight. In the end every turn I might have attempted it I fluffed some roll (doubleskulls) forcing me to use a re-roll after which I did not dare to try a 3+ hand-off.
Despite this the one important thing succeeded; I scored.
When the Skaven coach made one tiny mistake and botched his chance to score in one turn with his super-gutter I suddenly had some hope.
He failed to score and my mummy actually returned.
His drive was typical for skaven; pour a few gutters through a created gap and all I tried was blitz one of them (failed btw) and put tz on them while one wight and one ghoul spurted over to their half, lurking for a chance to blitz the ball-carrier if something went bad for the rats.
When the turn after a hand-off was selected to a gutter he succeeded but burned a re-roll. That same gutter must have had a bad day because when he tried to quick-pass it to a third gutter in scoring position he fumbled it.
When things go bad they really go bad; In my turn after this I not only scooped up the ball and had an imperfect cage around it but I also stunned his RO and knocked out two rats including his AG4/horns/tackle Stormvermin. It took a bit of effort and no good luck on his or bad luck on my side but the 2-0 was scored.
My last TD was stuff of legend. Incredibly lucky.
Long pass (with AG3!) to a zombie whom did a gfi and handed off the ball to a waiting ghoul in reach of his endzone.
I did use a re-roll but still.... It worked. (???)
“what a sucky match =) i'm gonna cry myself to sleep.....heh. too tired to write up why this game was bad, so i'll leave it to jinxed =) merry xmas man. play you next round, maybe =)
just thought i should add that this was still a very enjoyable game, as our matches tend to be!”
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Actually my first half was quite bad. My blocks were appallingly bad (3D blocks failing to bring down skill-less rat with re-roll for example) and near the end of that 1st half I had caused on KO mummy. In return the rats KO'd my ST6 mummy, a ghoul and a block-zombie.
I had initially hoped to get one decent turn (or he a bad one) and and-off the ball to either my 14 spp ghoul (KO) or my 13 spp wight. In the end every turn I might have attempted it I fluffed some roll (doubleskulls) forcing me to use a re-roll after which I did not dare to try a 3+ hand-off.
Despite this the one important thing succeeded; I scored.
When the Skaven coach made one tiny mistake and botched his chance to score in one turn with his super-gutter I suddenly had some hope.
He failed to score and my mummy actually returned.
His drive was typical for skaven; pour a few gutters through a created gap and all I tried was blitz one of them (failed btw) and put tz on them while one wight and one ghoul spurted over to their half, lurking for a chance to blitz the ball-carrier if something went bad for the rats.
When the turn after a hand-off was selected to a gutter he succeeded but burned a re-roll. That same gutter must have had a bad day because when he tried to quick-pass it to a third gutter in scoring position he fumbled it.
When things go bad they really go bad; In my turn after this I not only scooped up the ball and had an imperfect cage around it but I also stunned his RO and knocked out two rats including his AG4/horns/tackle Stormvermin. It took a bit of effort and no good luck on his or bad luck on my side but the 2-0 was scored.
My last TD was stuff of legend. Incredibly lucky.
Long pass (with AG3!) to a zombie whom did a gfi and handed off the ball to a waiting ghoul in reach of his endzone.
I did use a re-roll but still.... It worked. (???)