“We totally dominerated the game from turn 3 until the end. Graz'zt quickly scored three casualties and sent 3 players off the pitch, including both vampires.
The remaining thralls must have had some elf blood left in them as they were able to perform amazing stunts such as passing the ball and dodging.
We scored our first touchdown with ease and there was not much to do about it for the thralls. The thralls advanced and we sent forward a few runners and continued the carnage among the thralls. We got a splendid shot at the ballcarrier and took it, sending him to the ground. We now tried to pick up the ball and this was to be a devastating mistake. We failed the pickup and the ball scattered four squares toward our endzone and ended up in the hands of Sally. There was nothing for us to do as we were placed on the other side of the crowd of players.
In the second half we tried to put a quick stop to the offensive but it seemed the thralls were experts at dodging and passing the ball. They also started to foul our players. We fouled back and thralls were sent off the pitch along with the injuried from our blocks. Eventually we managed to catch their ballcarrier and could secure the game with a very controlled approach toward the endzone while knocking out all but the last thrall in the process. ”
The remaining thralls must have had some elf blood left in them as they were able to perform amazing stunts such as passing the ball and dodging.
We scored our first touchdown with ease and there was not much to do about it for the thralls. The thralls advanced and we sent forward a few runners and continued the carnage among the thralls. We got a splendid shot at the ballcarrier and took it, sending him to the ground. We now tried to pick up the ball and this was to be a devastating mistake. We failed the pickup and the ball scattered four squares toward our endzone and ended up in the hands of Sally. There was nothing for us to do as we were placed on the other side of the crowd of players.
In the second half we tried to put a quick stop to the offensive but it seemed the thralls were experts at dodging and passing the ball. They also started to foul our players. We fouled back and thralls were sent off the pitch along with the injuried from our blocks. Eventually we managed to catch their ballcarrier and could secure the game with a very controlled approach toward the endzone while knocking out all but the last thrall in the process.