“Once again reporting from deep beneath the ocean waves I attempt to contact Seven-Zark-Seven, but he is maintaining his silent treatment towards the press.
With the team captain not talking the other less intelligent team members were left to do the talking. Keyop once again babbled incoherently, some mention of a casualty inflicted was mentioned in his ramblings. Chief Anderson just does not seem to understand why the management keeps scheduling matches with teams that are far superior to them. Management could not be reached for comment.
Girls gone mad put on a n amazing performance. Carla was a force inflicting a casualty and earning an MVP award, and little Sally led the casualty parade inflicting two casualties by herself.
With the team captain not talking the other less intelligent team members were left to do the talking. Keyop once again babbled incoherently, some mention of a casualty inflicted was mentioned in his ramblings. Chief Anderson just does not seem to understand why the management keeps scheduling matches with teams that are far superior to them. Management could not be reached for comment.
Girls gone mad put on a n amazing performance. Carla was a force inflicting a casualty and earning an MVP award, and little Sally led the casualty parade inflicting two casualties by herself.