“I don't even know why I took this game. I knew I was going to lose before the match started, but I guess I wanted a retirement game for the booooring booring wood elves and to take as many elves with me as possible.
It also was a dicerape and because of a bug in the client, I couldn't TRY interception on the first half.... It just might have worked... After that I just wanted the game to end asap. And to foul those dirty elves. Of course I coun't get cas no matter what kind of fouls I didn't against what... he on the other hand had no problems making cas with simple blocks... almost all of his blocks WERE pows. So, foo cares. Retired team, game over. Bye bye.
Out of five cas two were made with MB. So... That still leaves three lucky cas.”
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Mighty blow = cas
of 27 Blocks, should at least hav had 10 cas :P”