CTV 1000k Chaos
Skaven CTV 1000k
#4 Uhlys Brasris – Smashed Knee (NI)
#3 Gerfret Mayldhal – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#4 Uhlys Brasris – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#3 Gerfret Mayldhal – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#10 Marhein Zulis – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
But then the mutants managed to pick uo the ball once or twice, just often enough to score in the first half. The second half started with a score of 1-1 and the skaven already down a runner and a vermin. Then things started to grow worse for the skaven. They did not manage to pick up the ball, they still did not put on their armor and, most important, the rat ogre started to collect skulls. But he did not collect chaos skulls, he collected the skulls on the block dice. Really unlucky rolls there for a while. And as the skaven did not manage to pick up the ball, and the beastman had watched rather close in the first half, they managed to pick up the ball and score a second time. After that the game was decided, as the skaven were down to 6 players.
I don`t think we will hear from them again....”