“A close fought game with maximum effort on both sides.
The fans of Getting Ready for This were once again able to boo their least favourite thrower, Hes, as he once more showed spectacular lack of skill when trying to pick up the ball.
Coach Csopa's lads did him proud, rolling over the humans time and again and the score of 1 - 1 was a testament for coach Sleeter's players’ ability to take a kicking and keep on ticking.
This game saw the end of Ughher, the stupid inbred cousin of Urghh, a respected figure in ogrish society. Ughher got over a brief bout of minor stupidity to block Lamentu, who saw the vacant look in the ogres eyes and took full advantage, hitting him hard in his unprotected throat. It took a moment for the fans to realise, and then a mighty cheer went up from the Stellafellas' fans.
The fans of Getting Ready for This were once again able to boo their least favourite thrower, Hes, as he once more showed spectacular lack of skill when trying to pick up the ball.
Coach Csopa's lads did him proud, rolling over the humans time and again and the score of 1 - 1 was a testament for coach Sleeter's players’ ability to take a kicking and keep on ticking.
This game saw the end of Ughher, the stupid inbred cousin of Urghh, a respected figure in ogrish society. Ughher got over a brief bout of minor stupidity to block Lamentu, who saw the vacant look in the ogres eyes and took full advantage, hitting him hard in his unprotected throat. It took a moment for the fans to realise, and then a mighty cheer went up from the Stellafellas' fans.
A good game witnessed by 57 thousand.