“Zounds! Pretty consistent decent luck on my end -- I'm finally learning to just AVOID the trees, rather than charge in every round -- but the Anklebighters had to put up with the worst hot n' cold streaks I've ever seen. Miracle dodges all over the place -- including a stand up GFI dodge pow blitz by a treeman, double-dodge TZ pickup TZ pass to a TZ receiver who then dodges out late in the second half -- but then his treemen were consistently taking root. All over the place. It was freaky, I tells ya.
Mistakes I made this game mainly centred around underestimating the halflings' dodging ability and not covering the BC as well as I should have. I ran a wight way down the field in the second half just kinda because I COULD, and that cost me the game. Had he hung back and given me cover, I would have made a TD for sure.
Mistakes I made this game mainly centred around underestimating the halflings' dodging ability and not covering the BC as well as I should have. I ran a wight way down the field in the second half just kinda because I COULD, and that cost me the game. Had he hung back and given me cover, I would have made a TD for sure.
Still learning...”