“The Ambassadors' first loss in their last 13 games.... to a team of underdog rotting wanna-be-daemons. No wonder they lost fans.
The problem lay in the large number of injuries the Ambassadors had collected the game before (5mng), and was compounded by the fact that both minotaurs started bickering, and refused to take to the field together.
My pre-match prayer to the chaos gods to make all the casualties BHs was heard however - every other time the nurglings knocked a fling down he was BH. I must stop praying to fickle powers.
Oh and on top of that, my KOs were down for the count almost every kick off, so I had to put up three or fewer players no fewer than three times....
But nevertheless, an entertaining match. =)
Lies! It's not even true! They're miserable stunty daemons, which doesn't count. 8^)”
The problem lay in the large number of injuries the Ambassadors had collected the game before (5mng), and was compounded by the fact that both minotaurs started bickering, and refused to take to the field together.
My pre-match prayer to the chaos gods to make all the casualties BHs was heard however - every other time the nurglings knocked a fling down he was BH. I must stop praying to fickle powers.
Oh and on top of that, my KOs were down for the count almost every kick off, so I had to put up three or fewer players no fewer than three times....
But nevertheless, an entertaining match. =)
Lies! It's not even true! They're miserable stunty daemons, which doesn't count. 8^)”