“It all started perfectly as Birboz faked an injury to get off the field inorder to conduct som shady pursuits... The Existentially Challenged tried to capitalize on Birboz escape from the field and started off a blitz from the field which worked perfectly as Bomber Harris got abit confused and threw the match instead of the bomb and caught both himself and Rippy the razor in the resulting explosion. Rippy the razor was however able to quickly get on his feet and blitz Lazarus with a completly legal chainsaw tackle while the refree was buisy wonder what the rolling motion underneath his feet ment. The victory was however shortlived as "Slim" Johnson dodged away from his marking goblin, blitzed Rippy to get to the ball and then scored after an amazing 7 square rush. The obviously biased refree then sent Charly, Brad, Harris and Nidoz off the field for using illegal weapons. The 7 remaining Goblins were however able to finish the half in a glorious way under the leadership of Birboz as Birboz himself not only managed to send Ramses III off the field with a severe groin injury which sadly was regenerated but also score in turn 8.
Second half started with a huge boom as the bribed and biased refree was blown apart by a mystic gas explosion beneath his dugout... The Goblin team which however only consisted of 5 players by now were unable to hold off the undead whom sent four of the remaining goblins off the field with devious and unfair tricks...
-Tommi von Klingstein
Reporter for da Gobbo times”
Second half started with a huge boom as the bribed and biased refree was blown apart by a mystic gas explosion beneath his dugout... The Goblin team which however only consisted of 5 players by now were unable to hold off the undead whom sent four of the remaining goblins off the field with devious and unfair tricks...
-Tommi von Klingstein
Reporter for da Gobbo times”