What started out as a possible stormer of a game soon degenerated into an amateur mistake free for all by me and my stoned orcs!
My boyz - usually on the ball - god bless em fumbled, dropped and blocked like a bunch of drunken pygmy quadriplegics. Infact, the notion of gang rape at the hands of a full french foreign legion company seems blissfully welcome when compared to the serious beating my ass took off the dice.
I counted 5 double skulls throughout the match! Oh and not to forget the two blitz' Uber got in the first half.
I must confess, my teddy was well and truly thrown in the corner! He's still their the little prick gathering dust until I see fit to bung him in the washer.... Geez, I think the last remnants of that trip I took yesterday just fizzled through my cranium - teddies, dust? I thought this was Bloodbowl.
"It is Ren" - deep voice.
"Who said that?"
"Your nemesis - Nuffle!"
"Listen here Nuffle you better not f<CONTENT CENSORED>in my next match!"
"I'll do a deal...."
"Go on then Nuffle what kinda deal?"
"You stop making me laugh when you lose and i'll start letting you win"
"Fair do's bro, later"
Well played Uber, you earned it!
OMG!!! You must of been stoned when you sneezed and tapped the buttons in that order! I chose not to win because it was 5am in the morning and I frankly couldn't be bothered! I think managing 3-2 after being down 3-1 at the half was a good effort.
Your third touchdown had to be the most poorly constructed offensive i've ever seen. I'd urge anyone to view the replay!
207 / 55 / 148 <<<<<< With a record like that i'd keep quiet!!! HAHAHAHA
You think I play a stalling game with my unbeaten undead? Don't be a prick...”
“Don't kid yourself there buddy, I haven't earned the win, you just earned yourself the loss. I'm being called a quitter by a guy who gives up on a game with 15 turns left in the game? Come on...
You had more strength on the field, more guards, more mighty blows and you couldn't even bother yourself to try at least tying it. Can't you play defense with orcs? If only for Fan Factor purposes and a bit of pride, it's at least worth a shot I think.
The constant whining about the luck, the crybaby "I can't win so I'll try to kill you" attitude and outright cheating makes for poor sportsmanship. I guess you're just young or simply immature. Better luck next time.
*** Extra comment: The fact is that even if you had knocked down my guy out on that third td, I had a st4ag4 beastman right next to him who could have easily pick up the ball and scored since the two blitzers in the area were greatly outnumbered and had nowhere to go with the ball. There are other ways to score than to stall and cage, but you certainly haven't reached that level yet.
I've seen your record and I'm not impressed. You're just an arrogant little whiner and as other coaches have said before, I feel sad for you.
/me reads Renegade's bio and sees "Self proclaimed bloodbowling genius!"
Keep playing that stalling game buddy, it takes great skills and ingenuity to do that!
Where's that chaos team of yours? Retired? It's hard to win consistently with some teams at high level, but I just play for the fun of it, because well it's a game. You can try to make fun of my record, but it is that way mostly because I stick with my teams for an actual challenge and don't try to base my strategy on cheesy exploits, broken skills or star players.
Your unbeated undeads may win the medal for cherry picking, I don't care. I'd hardly believe you didn't stall in those 2-1 wins over skavens and elves. I can play that game too, but I don't think it's very interesting and I surely wouldn't brag about it.”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Where to begin...
What started out as a possible stormer of a game soon degenerated into an amateur mistake free for all by me and my stoned orcs!
My boyz - usually on the ball - god bless em fumbled, dropped and blocked like a bunch of drunken pygmy quadriplegics. Infact, the notion of gang rape at the hands of a full french foreign legion company seems blissfully welcome when compared to the serious beating my ass took off the dice.
I counted 5 double skulls throughout the match! Oh and not to forget the two blitz' Uber got in the first half.
I must confess, my teddy was well and truly thrown in the corner! He's still their the little prick gathering dust until I see fit to bung him in the washer.... Geez, I think the last remnants of that trip I took yesterday just fizzled through my cranium - teddies, dust? I thought this was Bloodbowl.
"It is Ren" - deep voice.
"Who said that?"
"Your nemesis - Nuffle!"
"Listen here Nuffle you better not f<CONTENT CENSORED>in my next match!"
"I'll do a deal...."
"Go on then Nuffle what kinda deal?"
"You stop making me laugh when you lose and i'll start letting you win"
"Fair do's bro, later"
Well played Uber, you earned it!
OMG!!! You must of been stoned when you sneezed and tapped the buttons in that order! I chose not to win because it was 5am in the morning and I frankly couldn't be bothered! I think managing 3-2 after being down 3-1 at the half was a good effort.
Your third touchdown had to be the most poorly constructed offensive i've ever seen. I'd urge anyone to view the replay!
207 / 55 / 148 <<<<<< With a record like that i'd keep quiet!!! HAHAHAHA
You think I play a stalling game with my unbeaten undead? Don't be a prick...”