“A funny old game. Neither of us really had the luck to break the deadlock with the vamplings one turner managing to equalise a hard fought initial score by the Hotpots.
Second half I managed to turn him over fairly easily but just couldn't squeeze over the line inspite of being up against only 4 players. ”
Last game it was 9 of 21 ofab rolls failed (including 3 snake eyes... that's 3 of 5 rerolled attempts failing, the sixth I couldn't reroll because I was out of rerolls I think)
This game it was a bit better, 7 in 23 ofab rolls failed, with 2 snake eyes from 4 rerolled attempts.
Is this really a 1 in 6 roll??
When the chainsaw is mowing down players left and right and my own team is sending themselves off the pitch, you just have to hope that the other guy can't pick up the ball. Fortunately, he couldn't :P”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Second half I managed to turn him over fairly easily but just couldn't squeeze over the line inspite of being up against only 4 players. ”