“"Finally after 2 losses in a row and a draw, we finally won one. I honestly don't know how we did but I'm satisfied of the way my guys played. Well we had easier games last turns and did not responded well. This one really gave us confidence back and I hope we will continue that way".
-You seem not to do well against star player teams?
-"Yeah we definitly need to improve on that point. We lost against the skaven wich where some kind of a one guy team (the runner) and against the old world team, built around a top wardancer. We really need to learn to defend against that."
-Your hopes?
-"Playoffs are gone for us but we will still try to class us the best way we can and we will try to win the last game. I also want to thank Mithrilpoint for the good game. I got lucky; he was not and I'll hope for a good challenge against his upcomming skavens."”
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-You seem not to do well against star player teams?
-"Yeah we definitly need to improve on that point. We lost against the skaven wich where some kind of a one guy team (the runner) and against the old world team, built around a top wardancer. We really need to learn to defend against that."
-Your hopes?
-"Playoffs are gone for us but we will still try to class us the best way we can and we will try to win the last game. I also want to thank Mithrilpoint for the good game. I got lucky; he was not and I'll hope for a good challenge against his upcomming skavens."”