CTV 2840k Chaos Dwarf
Khemri CTV 2680k
#1 Smasher Vomitflesh – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#2 Tzor Zagron – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#2 Tzor Zagron – Smashed Knee (NI)
#5 Gzoran Flamehammer – Dead (RIP)
#13 Unlucky Lashlop Slashnose – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#14 Nogen skal jo gøre det – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#14 Nogen skal jo gøre det – Smashed Knee (NI)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The Juggernauts were tired of sitting round not getting games, with Orcs, Chaos, Necro and Undead teams constantly turning them down.
So their head coach decided to play this powerful Khemri team (8 or 9 guard?!?!?) and if they got pounded, that was fine because it was time to make another new team.
What can I say, I got pounded heavily by his Skeletons!!! They got most of the casualties early, and I could do little against his Skeletons besides injuring 1 but I did knock out two Mummies. Unfortunately, my opponent made all 4 KO rolls after the first drive to undo all my work and luck.
My score was desperation stuff and there was quite a bit of luck involved. Second half the game just fell apart with more and more of my guys getting maimed. 1/3/2 casualties says a lot when 4 of them were against AV9, and I got a solitary casualty against AV7 despite having almost as much Mighty Blow as my opponent LOL.
56% luck vs 70% luck is telling too. But I did have that very lucky breakaway for a score, and my luck was inflated by lots of Chaos Dwarf dodging when the game was almost finished heh.
My opponent made a mistake and let his ball carrier come forward alone. I dodged with my Bull Centaur and stunned him, then with some more lucky rolls managed to pick up the ball and I hurled it sideways so that he only had AG 2 guys to pick up the ball. I shoulda thrown it downfield a bit so he had to carry it forward or stood in the corner and chanced the throw in but hindsight is a wonderful thing.
My opponent managed to pick up the ball on turn 8 and get a draw.
All in all a fun match despite being on the rough end of the dice. Now time for a new project :)))”