“Well, my fifth game ever. Turned out allright even if I many times saw myself outrun by the nasty Elvsesessss.
Renton had more than his fair share of KO's. A lot of them because he stumbled in (or out of) my TZ.
* At the end when I was about to score my touchdown I was a bit scared and pushed one of his players out in the audience and he got a niggling. It was overkill and I'm sorry about that, but I didn't want to be outrunned again.
* At the very last seconds of the game he moved in my TZ to throw the ball. He didn't have to move to throw but he did, and fell. That's probably why this game was a draw. Otherwise he might have won.
Renton had more than his fair share of KO's. A lot of them because he stumbled in (or out of) my TZ.
* At the end when I was about to score my touchdown I was a bit scared and pushed one of his players out in the audience and he got a niggling. It was overkill and I'm sorry about that, but I didn't want to be outrunned again.
* At the very last seconds of the game he moved in my TZ to throw the ball. He didn't have to move to throw but he did, and fell. That's probably why this game was a draw. Otherwise he might have won.
Thanks for the game, man! ”