“This will no doubt be the deciding game of Super UMT II..... and what total dice rape. My team rolled snake eyes on all critical rolls, turning over on a skull + powskull rr double skull first turn, double skulling quckly again and then proceding to roll 1,1 or 1,x,1 on gfis to try to score. Then second half twice rolling snake eyes yet again in consecutive turns on catches to score.....
While my opponent rolls ~2 1's all game, one on a meaningless dodge, second on a pass he decides not to reroll (which I priompty fail 2/3 gfis to not put him under any pressure..... I guess he knew whatever he did I couldnt take advantage of).
While my opponent rolls ~2 1's all game, one on a meaningless dodge, second on a pass he decides not to reroll (which I priompty fail 2/3 gfis to not put him under any pressure..... I guess he knew whatever he did I couldnt take advantage of).
Ugh what a total waste of over 2 hours.”