“From the journals of Lord Catatonia on his travel through the infernal realm...
"Curses, curse them all, wretched mincing under-elves, whose whining foolery flumoxed my smelly-uddered half-breeds. Thrice did the pointy-ears hop past our defensive serrations and ulalate triumphantly in our scoredownzone. But none of us died, thank the Chaos Gods and their capricious ways, so we march onward to another hateful confrontation. May we be AWEful!" ”
"Curses, curse them all, wretched mincing under-elves, whose whining foolery flumoxed my smelly-uddered half-breeds. Thrice did the pointy-ears hop past our defensive serrations and ulalate triumphantly in our scoredownzone. But none of us died, thank the Chaos Gods and their capricious ways, so we march onward to another hateful confrontation. May we be AWEful!"