“9 Lizards against 16 undead, giving away 2 handicap rolls, a 30 str advantage, and the title on the line. Not exactly a promising scenario. The ball handling and speed of the skinks, especially Xies-ler-aym was about all that kept the team in the game. First score was relatively easy, 9 players on the pitch, 3 skinks broke free and ran for the line. Was some pressure put on the undead for their equaliser, but 8 defenders to start with and ending the half with 4 players, there was just nothing the skinks could do to hold and conceded in turn 8. Second half the skinks almost made the break through, some bad luck to the wickers caused the turn over and Zrndgeuaieu almost put the skinks ahead only to be pulled down by a desperate blitz and removed injured from the field. Declining the chance to take it easy and slow for the comfortable 2-1 win the wickermen pushed on (perhaps in hopes of an extra score) and with just 4 lizards on the pitch the skinks struck back. Season high scorer, rusher, and SPP Xies-ler-aym collected the ball and after avoiding a blitz dashed up field. A key dodge and blitz by Kysht gave the little star some cover and he took full advantage running hard and dodging brilliantly to score the equalizer.
The draw meant they were unable though to knock the warlizards and stonesmashers off the top, and simply meant that the warlizards took the title instead of the defending champions.
3 points: #8 Venetia - Scored in the first half eventually, a Crucial block on Zrndgeuaieu prevented the skinks going back up in the second half, before a dropped pass (which scattered back to the target) sent the ball downfield fast.
2 points: #13 Grania Fenella - Put off leading lizard blocker Slilrl in the third turn beginning the reduction of players.
1 point: #9 Carney Inness - block, tackle, and dirty player is a combination my little skinks don't like to see, didn't do any direct damage but was instrumental in causing the trip on Ssltdhaieae and being generaly a pest.”
“Unbelievable that a team of Dirty Players would be overcome by charity and not stall out for a 2-1 win, only to have the opposition stall to secure the draw.
The bitterness grows!
3 pts: Xies-ler-aym scoring and being ruthless enough to stall
2pts: Kysht: pulling off the always spectacular Ag1 dodge and blitz
1pt: Ghsrss: for both taking one for the team, and having a vowel-free name that is only matched in the world of the shoutable by the word "rhythm", which chickens out with a vowel-sounding "y".”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The draw meant they were unable though to knock the warlizards and stonesmashers off the top, and simply meant that the warlizards took the title instead of the defending champions.
3 points: #8 Venetia - Scored in the first half eventually, a Crucial block on Zrndgeuaieu prevented the skinks going back up in the second half, before a dropped pass (which scattered back to the target) sent the ball downfield fast.
2 points: #13 Grania Fenella - Put off leading lizard blocker Slilrl in the third turn beginning the reduction of players.
1 point: #9 Carney Inness - block, tackle, and dirty player is a combination my little skinks don't like to see, didn't do any direct damage but was instrumental in causing the trip on Ssltdhaieae and being generaly a pest.”