Upon 5 turns of trying to break the perfect defence of theFinistere Jungz the nobels lost the ball and the Finistere Jungz Scored imme immediately upon recieving the ball again in the seventh turn the nobles did what elf do best, a short blitz, dodge and into the endzone followed by a long pass. and TD the fans went wild.
It wasn't enough to stop the Chaos Dwarfs though. They just started Killing at random. First the apothecary saved Petur, but immediately upon his recovery Steven was killed. Then a while later Peter was sacked once again - this time for good. The two honourable line´men will be remembered and revenged ... Siur Charles Salvatore has announced that the Taxes in Finistere Jungz village has just been quadippled.
With a beautifull turn 8 TD the Finistere Jungz started to celebrate - a bit too soon, with some agile steps the Nobles pushed their Sir David Auel a bit around and off to the end zone he ran.
A good and fair match. I salute you CaptainT - the total lack of fouling and crowd surfing, and exceptional display of sportsmanship is greatly appreciated - and death is not in vain for the nobles, who's still got no idea on how to build an offence against the stronger teams. But come time come advise.
Upon 5 turns of trying to break the perfect defence of theFinistere Jungz the nobels lost the ball and the Finistere Jungz Scored imme immediately upon recieving the ball again in the seventh turn the nobles did what elf do best, a short blitz, dodge and into the endzone followed by a long pass. and TD the fans went wild.
It wasn't enough to stop the Chaos Dwarfs though. They just started Killing at random. First the apothecary saved Petur, but immediately upon his recovery Steven was killed. Then a while later Peter was sacked once again - this time for good. The two honourable line´men will be remembered and revenged ... Siur Charles Salvatore has announced that the Taxes in Finistere Jungz village has just been quadippled.
With a beautifull turn 8 TD the Finistere Jungz started to celebrate - a bit too soon, with some agile steps the Nobles pushed their Sir David Auel a bit around and off to the end zone he ran.
A good and fair match. I salute you CaptainT - the total lack of fouling and crowd surfing, and exceptional display of sportsmanship is greatly appreciated - and death is not in vain for the nobles, who's still got no idea on how to build an offence against the stronger teams. But come time come advise.