“Actually, 3 points for me. One more for losing the match.
This was a really, really unlucky match. I ko'd habeli's only Treeman on turn 1, then Ko'd a few flings more but was unable to score on half 1 due to a crappy landing (SI) and not having enough movement left.
Second half, habeli got many guys back (I believe there were 7 KOs and 1 BH) and I kept on hitting KOs and stuns, even though usually I could not get through armor. Even Treemen could not pierce his flings' armor...that is really telling something. I had 11 guys vs habeli's 8, when he made 3 CAS (one on both down) in a single turn and on my turn my fling falls in a dodge (SI). Then it was my 7 guys vs habeli's 8, he was far in my zone and we had to load. SOme of my guys warped around and habeli mauled any guy even near my own endzone before scoring on turn 8.
My turn 8 TTM got ruined by pitch invasion, which left only 4 of my playwers standing. Blah, what a match.”
“We came for meat, We wanted to beat...
actually we were on our way to a bar, but then some snobbits came and kicked our tree and also, we noticed that they had took one of our favorite monkey from that bar.
We had to get it back...
too bad that it's head dropped while Scary tried to catch it...
Scary was the most brutal player on the field, and Sanktio got rewarded from his heroic acts in the KO box.
Points: 13 for me 2 to Karhumies,”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
This was a really, really unlucky match. I ko'd habeli's only Treeman on turn 1, then Ko'd a few flings more but was unable to score on half 1 due to a crappy landing (SI) and not having enough movement left.
Second half, habeli got many guys back (I believe there were 7 KOs and 1 BH) and I kept on hitting KOs and stuns, even though usually I could not get through armor. Even Treemen could not pierce his flings' armor...that is really telling something. I had 11 guys vs habeli's 8, when he made 3 CAS (one on both down) in a single turn and on my turn my fling falls in a dodge (SI). Then it was my 7 guys vs habeli's 8, he was far in my zone and we had to load. SOme of my guys warped around and habeli mauled any guy even near my own endzone before scoring on turn 8.
My turn 8 TTM got ruined by pitch invasion, which left only 4 of my playwers standing. Blah, what a match.”