“Again an interesting game. Although I didn't throw one pass (because I received the ball via touchbacks) my team managed to overcome the Undead (this time).
In the first half I mainly tried to get rid off his dodging and sidestepping Ghoul (who holds the Ball save in his hands) and reorganising my defence before any drive, thanks to kick off table.I could hold him at bay what granted me 2 TD.
In the second half he broke through my centerdefense and manages to score his TD. My last TD-run started with a touchback. Again I had to get rid off his Ghoul but this time I could block squares so his sidestepping habbit didn't really show up. I kept my Mino most of the time away from the action his nasty preference for tunovers and 2 opposite Mummies inspired me to take this way. The Mino played with Skelletons and Zombies which all regenerate if he ever hitted them hard. The only SI that wasn't regenerated was a dogde from one Zombie and one Hob of mine for that my Medic didn't want to show up, just Hobs!? ”
In the first half I mainly tried to get rid off his dodging and sidestepping Ghoul (who holds the Ball save in his hands) and reorganising my defence before any drive, thanks to kick off table.I could hold him at bay what granted me 2 TD.
In the second half he broke through my centerdefense and manages to score his TD. My last TD-run started with a touchback. Again I had to get rid off his Ghoul but this time I could block squares so his sidestepping habbit didn't really show up. I kept my Mino most of the time away from the action his nasty preference for tunovers and 2 opposite Mummies inspired me to take this way. The Mino played with Skelletons and Zombies which all regenerate if he ever hitted them hard. The only SI that wasn't regenerated was a dogde from one Zombie and one Hob of mine for that my Medic didn't want to show up, just Hobs!?