“Well, this was a hardfought game and it was only my opponents bad luck on some rolls that made this a win for me.
I'm sorry about blocking Lord Leviathan to death. Maybe an Apo is a good investment? ;)
Sergio Von Demni made a one-dice-block on my guy in the last turn and a skull came up. No RR's left. Bummer...
My own game after my TD was consisted pretty much of being in LeeviGrahams way... I had the ball on a few occasions and lost it...
Sometimes by passing...
I was quite lucky with my armour/injury-rolls and only one guy became Badly Hurt. One or two visited the KO-box. (One of my Chaoswarriors spent the whole first turn there, thanks to someone in the audience... Who brings rocks to a friendly game, huh?)
LeeviGraham was a fun opponent, with no fouling... Only one crowdpushing in the 8th turn of the second half, but I can accept that, because it was almost needed...
Fun guy! Thx for the game. If you ever want a rematch, look me up!”
I'm sorry about blocking Lord Leviathan to death. Maybe an Apo is a good investment? ;)
Sergio Von Demni made a one-dice-block on my guy in the last turn and a skull came up. No RR's left. Bummer...
My own game after my TD was consisted pretty much of being in LeeviGrahams way... I had the ball on a few occasions and lost it...
Sometimes by passing...
I was quite lucky with my armour/injury-rolls and only one guy became Badly Hurt. One or two visited the KO-box. (One of my Chaoswarriors spent the whole first turn there, thanks to someone in the audience... Who brings rocks to a friendly game, huh?)
LeeviGraham was a fun opponent, with no fouling... Only one crowdpushing in the 8th turn of the second half, but I can accept that, because it was almost needed...
Fun guy! Thx for the game. If you ever want a rematch, look me up!”